Thursday 22 April 2010

Leaders Debate, Part 2

So I am sat here watching the Leaders Debate, Part 2 with the lovely Mrs P sat besides me, the 4 little P's are all sleeping and I am now trying to work out what type of leader these guys are. So we are 45 minutes in and I now have the answer, it doesn't matter! Yes that's right, it does not matter what type of leader these guys who could be Prime Minister in a few weeks. Why I hear you shout.........These guys may be leading the country, may be Prime Minister but it is not going to affect me as I am not close enough to experience their leadership. However it will make a huge difference to the team in my organisation as to what type of leader I am. This is because that team is constantly influenced by my actions. Sometimes they are influenced by my mood, attire, and certainly by my decisions. I have to remind myself regularly that how I do things is almost as important as what I do! I accept the fact that I am not always great at practising what I am talking about here, but I still stand a good chance of improving.

Who is an inspirational leader? Cameron, Clegg, Brown....... Lets be clear on something, it is not a case of 'I agree with Nick.' I am more worried about taxation, the economy, jobs, defence, the NHS and especially education which is incredibly close to my heart.

Who does inspire......we all do......and we must not forget it.....

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